Dear Friends: Let's do a quick review of Anthony Scaramucci's record-setting tenure as White House Communications Director. He was hired. He communicated, quite colorfully. He was fired.
Enough said.
In other, far less important news: Venezuela is officially bleeped, so score another one for socialism. And if the old adage is true that all war is about (making) the money, then socialists are savant-like in their brilliance at making wars, given that their specialty, civil wars, only lose money. This is War 102. (War 101: War makes money. War 102: Civil wars lose money.)
Unless, of course, the said socialist shows his truest colors, and names himself dictator. Said dictator has now achieved the highest dictum (a lot of dics- in socialism) of the true socialist dictator: Everything for him. Nothing for you. If you don't like it, leave. Except you're not allowed to leave. By penalty of death.
(Quick question: Didn't Goldman Sachs just invest $2.8 billion in Venezuelan "bonds?" Oops. Who's gonna bail that one out?)
(In related news: Nicolas Maduro just became a multi-billionaire. Again.)
(In under-related news: The Goldman Sachs deal was brokered by the Clinton Foundation. Through Hilary Clinton. She's still acting Secretary of State. In her mind.)
And in other, equally less important news: North Korea, aka Venezeula's not-so-distant cousin future, keeps firing off missiles. And soon, they won't be blanks. And they're mobile launches, difficult to track, difficult to prevent. (Unless you're a fat, 400 lb. teenage-hacker turned dictator.) This is what military people refer to as a no-win situation, given that any pre-emptive strike will result in Seoul (South Korea) being re-spelled FUBAR. And Tokyo. And Beijing. And Alaska. And Hawaii. You get the picture. Bleak.
(And not Kubrickian bleak, either. That would entail Dennis Rodman, acting in his dream-role as dictator-in-training. And given his probable sources of funding for such a fantasy-internship, he'd probably be called Dennis Rodman-Rodham. And Chelsea finally gets to be a Communications Director.)
Because that Kim Jung Un is that bleeping crazy. How crazy is he? Crazy enough to shoot off his missiles in all directions at once, for no other reason than to shoot off his missiles, in all directions, at once. He might even think he's playing a game, like his beloved basketball, and fancies himself a shooter, and just keeps shooting, and shooting, and wouldn't it be nice if he actually played basketball, real basketball, just once, and keeled over from a massive heart attack?
Fat chance of that.
But we can still hope.
Because the world is not as bleak as it seems. It never is. There is always good news in the world as well. The good news: General John F. Kelly, White House Chief of Staff.